历史 & 传统


Both DU 和 Denver rose out of the Colorado frontier 和 have developed in t和em ever since. 我们成立于1864年,当时是科罗拉多神学院, only six years after the founding of Denver City in what was then the Colorado Territory. As Denver grew from a gold rush boom town with a population of around 3,000 into one of the largest 和 most cosmopolitan cities of the interior West, we too evolved from our roots as a Methodist seminary into a global intellectual center in a city on the rise. Our first female 和 African American graduates earned their degrees in 1886 和 1900, respectively. 

We established one of the first business schools in the country, as well as the first school of social work between the Mississippi 和 the West Coast. Football teams from the NFL 和 the AFL played each other for the first time on our campus. 在20世纪60年代,马丁·路德·金. visited 和 we became a center of protest for the region.

当我们进入21世纪, we modernized our campus 和 renewed our commitment to academic excellence 和 inclusion. Our students 和 faculty continue to drive our development, 和 we look forward to the next 150 years as we enhance our status as one of our city's defining institutions 和 an internationally known, 以学生为中心的研究型大学.



DU玫瑰 is a special variety known as "Rosa Denvera." After the University received a rose bush as a gift in 1912, botanist Ira Cutler discovered the blossoms were unlike any others. He then used the original specimens to develop a distinct variety still used for functions on campus.


The 创始人庆祝 is one of DU's most treasured traditions, dating back to our earliest days. 我们参加讲座, forums 和 gatherings throughout our community as we honor the commitment 和 vision of those who have 和 continue to have the greatest impact on our University.

  • 约翰•埃文斯

    1864年3月5日: 约翰·埃文斯签署了科罗拉多神学院的章程.

  • DU一等

    1880: 在由于财务问题暂时关闭之后, the Colorado Seminary reopens as the University of Denver.

  • 基石

    1890: The University breaks ground on the University Park campus, where we reside to this day.

  • 拉蒙特音乐学院

    1941: The 拉蒙特音乐学院, originally a separate institution, merges with DU.

  • ca88登录正确网址高峰

    1946: 杜克大学的ca88登录正确网址人数猛增, 跳跃到总共5个,716年,美国大兵从二战中归来.

  • 曲棍球冠军

    1958: 杜克大学先驱者曲棍球队赢得了他们的第一个NCAA冠军, beginning a legacy that would see them up that total to eight (second among all schools).

  • 百周年

    1964: ca88登录正确网址庆祝百年校庆.

  • 桥梁工程

    1991: 桥梁项目是为了提供辅导而成立的, mentoring 和 college scholarships to children in Denver’s public housing communities.

  • 首届多元化峰会

    2001: 学生们举行ca88登录正确网址首届多元化峰会, 一个项目从25名学生开始到超过1名,今天的000.

  • 总统辩论

    2012: DU hosts the presidential election's first debate between Barack Obama 和 Mitt Romney.



在1864年11月,也就是我们建国的那一年,一份美国宪法.S. militia group attacked 和 murdered an estimated 160 women, children 和 elderly members of the Cheyenne 和 Arapaho tribes at 砂河 in Southeastern Colorado.

沙溪大屠杀是上校策划的. 约翰Chivington, 原董事会成员, 并由他指挥的军队执行. 然而, 大屠杀可能发生的条件, 包括集结奇温顿的军队, were created in large part by the person most often associated with founding the University, 约翰•埃文斯, who was governor 和 superintendent of Indian affairs of the Colorado Territory. By recognizing Evans’ role 和 learning more about the Cheyenne 和 Arapaho peoples who once lived on this l和, we are able to underst和 our past more fully 和 promote healing from this dark moment in our collective history.

We give particular attention to supporting 和 working with Colorado's Cheyenne 和 Arapaho communities through documentary screenings, 讲座和特殊的治疗仪式, often as part of campus events like our annual Diversity Summit.

We also created a Task Force on Native American Inclusivity, which developed a report on how we can serve the public good with respect to Native communities. This report resulted in the establishment of the office of the Director of Native American Community Partnerships 和 Programs, whose role is to help make the University more accessible to Native American students 和 provide support to them once they arrive.
